"Inspired by castles and castellations, Maggie worked with the whole of Years 5 and 6 and together we built a castle wall in the playground using concrete, ceramic and mosaics. This has since become a well loved quiet play area. "
Martin Neave, Headmaster Larkman Middle School, Norwich
"Maggie Campbell has a regional reputation for delivering high quality creative learning experiences and imaginative outcomes with children of all ages, abilities and disabilities"
Anna Macathy, Arts Education Project Developement Officer, Norfolk County Council
After (top) and before (below).
This old bicycle shed has a new life at North Junior School, Colchester.
It used a variety of techniques and materials including thermolight blocks, concrete, ceramics, wood and mosaics. The reddish circular shapes are actually ceramic faces that the children made, and we included a seat at both ends.